Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., welcomed KAGAMA Virtual (KaVir) on Friday (19/7) at Rector Room, UGM Main Building.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) always try to develop its quality to be able to have qualified graduates. Many events held as platform for UGM civic academy so they could have transferable knowledge and information for UGM development. One of the events is Discussion and Talk: “Triple Helix Synergy in Qualified Human Resources Supply” which initiated by Vice Rector of Partnerships and Alumni, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Keluarga Alumni Fakultas Ekonomi Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) South Sulawesi held an inauguration event for members of the organization period 2019-2022 at Ballroom Hotel Novotel Grand Shayla, Makassar in Chaeril Anwar Street on Saturday (6/7). This event was also become reunion and gathering.
Keluarga Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) Washington DC visit to Universitas Gadjah Mada was one of the proof that UGM is a home for every alumni. The well-built relationship through visit or partnership is an actual proof of alumni contribution to support quality development of the campus.
Alumni Community of Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) has broaden its connection to other islands. Halal bihalal with KAGAMA held in Pontianak on Sunday (3/6) at West Kalimantan Governor Pavillion was going well and exciting.
Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives (DKAUI) held Service System Integration and alumni Relation Program Workshop on June 14-15 2019 at Puri Asri Hotel, Magelang.
KAGAMA achievement for Indonesia and the world keep making the country proud like the exceptional KAGAMA China. UGM alumni in China are motivated to keep sharing with fellow members and people in China. KAGAMA China uses WeChat platform to keep communicating because WeChat is a chat application with the most users in China.
Yogyakarta- KAGAMA Virtual with Subdirectorate of Alumni Relation Universitas Gadjah mada (UGM) held Syawalan 2019 on Sunday (9/6). This event was held in 1st floor of Grha Sabha Pramana UGM at 10.00 and it started with guest registration and continued with singing Indonesia Raya and Hymne Gadjah Mada.
Simple and caring are UGM characteristics which always become Rivan Achmad Purwantono’s life principals. It was shown on how he brought himself during Graduation Debriefing Event for Undergraduate Program Periode May 2019 on Tuesday (21/5). Rivan said that his pride laid on become Keluarga Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada, as he is alumni of Faculty of Philosophy.