There are many ways you can attempt to be successful in getting your first job after graduated from college. Lets read tips below to make you feel more confident on your first job journey after graduated!
Generally, there are two types of recruitment process used by company to hire their new employee, offline and online methods.
- Offline Method
In offline recruitment method, there are some tests such as psychological test, assessment test, interview, Forum Group Discussion (FGD), Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD), job function, and medical check-up.
- Psychological test
You can find various psychological test examples on the internet that you can learn for preparation. One of the pyschological test model which always used by companies is to count numbers with timer. The more it goes, the time will get faster. This test usually called Kraepelin Test. The purpose of this type of test is to examine and see the endurance of the candidate whether they are given constant pressure, they will endure or they will have their performance decreased. Moreover, the accuracy of the candidate could be seen on this test.
Tips to pass psychological test is do not force yourself in the beginning. For Kraepelin Test itself, memorize addition of numbers from 0 to 20.
- Interview
We are actually selling ourselves during an interview and it is called personal branding. There are some factors that cause someone to fail interview test: have difficulty to understand the meaning of the questions asked by the interviewer, give a rambling answer (not directly to the point of the question), and give an answer outside the context of things that are being asked.
Tips to pass interview test is to prepare yourself by making lists 1-20 of your ‘advantage and disadvantage’. During the interview, tell about your success story and achievement.
At the end of the interview, the interviewer usually will give the candidate an opportunity to ask. Some questions that you can ask are:
- Does the company have any opportunities in training job course?
- How long you have worked in this company?
- What makes you like to work here?
- FGD and LGD
The basic difference between FGD and LGD is moderator. There is moderator during a FGD, while during a LGD, there is no moderator or a person who leads the discussion. Topic of the discussion in both FGD and LGD usually in general.
Tips and trick to be successfull in FGD and LGD are:
- Be a moderator or a person who lead the discussion
- If you are not an expert in the discussion topic, it is better for you to volunteer yourself as moderator so you just only deliver the conclusion from other candidates
- Be a person who has respect on other’s opinions
- Be a good listener to other’s criticism
- Online Method
During online recruitment method, there is a certain type of test, it is Academic Potential Test (TPA) consists of mathematics, abstract building, numbers logic, verbal logic, and many more. Moreover, the company is already prepared CV template according to the company needs and we are just fill it.
The advantage of online recruitment is the candidate can find out the result directly and it saves time. There is also online psychological test developed recently and collaborative games.
Any kind of recruitment method, both offline and online, it is better for you to prepare yourself as good as you can. The company is looking for a person who has integrity, pro-active, capable in team-work, creative, and has flexibility cognitive in thinking and act. Hope this article could help you to get your dream job! [UGM Alumni Relation/Irzha;]