Still having the Syawalan mood, KAGAMA Gowes Nusantara (KGN) hosted a halal bihalal (gathering) by cycling in several areas such as Yogyakarta, Solo, Aceh, Samarinda, Medan, Pekanbaru, and the Greater Jakarta area at the same time on Saturday, (28/05). It is one of the programs to strengthen alumni ties no matter where they are.
Attending the event were the Secretary General of PP KAGAMA, AAGN Ari Dwipayana, Rector of UGM for the 2017-2022 period, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., and Vice Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M. Hum. LL.M.
“I am grateful KAGAMA Gowes Nusantara has been established in various cities. Even this morning, we could hold this event in seven cities. Therefore, our friendship, unity, and relationship of all alumni became more everlasting, in a hope we could realize our dreams more as stated in the Gadjah Mada Hymn,” said Prof. Panut in his speech.
Following that, Prof. Panut wished luck to the participants. Along with that, all the participants in different cities started cycling at the same time. The participants in Yogyakarta gathered at the Balairung as the starting point and the finish the line was at Ledok Gebang, about 39 km.
Interestingly, the cycling event in Pekanbaru was integrated with cultural heritage tourism. The starting and finishing point was the old city area. Accordingly, in Samarinda, this event was also used as a means for reunions and to strengthen KAGAMA members. KGN participants were alumni from different majors and generations.
This event was a concrete form of a synergy between UGM and KAGAMA to strengthen alumni ties, so they could later collaborate in advancing Indonesia. It is hoped that KAGAMA can continuously accommodate its alumni to keep strengthening the ties and remind each other that every alumni has to instil UGM values for the community.
[Alumni/Article Relations: Winona; Photo: Dr. Sulistyowati]