Millennial era is synonymous with creativity and innovation that continues to grow. Digital, technology and application-based youth startups have become a new trend in recent years, known as start-up companies. University graduates are no longer just looking for corporate or multinational companies as a place to work but have looked at start-up companies. Many start-up companies have shown their existence and attracted many young people to join and develop the company. However, not all startups can survive in this era of progress in this changing era. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of working at a startup.
Provision for prospective graduates of the October Period Postgraduate Program presented a graceful and dignified figure, Rosalia Suci Handayani. The woman who is familiarly called Suci is an Executive Legal Advisor of Bank Indonesia and has been working at Bank Indonesia for more than 20 years. The activity which was held at Grha Sabha Pramana Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on Tuesday (10/22) was attended by more than 1,000 prospective graduates from master and doctoral programs.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KEMLU) in collaboration with the Sub Directorate of Alumni Relations at the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a Diplomat Profession Socialization and Selection for Acceptance of Prospective Civil Apparatus (CASN). The event, which presented by hundreds of participants from various universities, was held at the Auditorium of FISIPOL UGM Building BB 4th Floor, FISIPOL UGM on Monday (10/21).
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) visited PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP), Morowali, Central Sulawesi, on Saturday (19/10). UGM is the first university to visit IMIP. This activity was also attended by the President Director of IMIP. PT IMIP is an industrial area that manages Nickel-based industries considering that Morowali Regency has a potential nickel resource that is big enough to have prospects for development.