In collaboration with Indovoiceover Academy, Sub-directorate Alumni Relations hosted a collaborative workshop entitled “Voice Over and Voice Acting”. This event was held on Friday (11/19) through the Zoom Meeting Room. Approximately 30 participants attended the event.
UGM hosted “Consolidation UGM and PP KAGAMA” on Tuesday (7/11). This event was attended by the deans of faculties and school of UGM, and boards of UGM and PP KAGAMA. The event aims to strengthen the synergy between UGM and KAGAMA in escalating their contributions to the nation and state.
The third day of UGM Virtual Career Fair 2021 was held on Thursday (4/11) through the Zoom Meeting Room. Approximately 150 participants attended the event. Today marked the last day of UGM VCF November 2021. Six companies presented at the event.
The second day of the UGM VCF in November 2021 went smoothly. This event was held on Wednesday (3/11) and attended by more than 180 participants through the Zoom Meeting Room. Today’s event featured three career webinars, and company profile presentations.
The UGM Virtual Career Fair (VCF) November 2021 officially started on Tuesday (2/11) through the Zoom Meeting Room. This event will last for the next three days (2-4 November 2021). This event was attended by more than 250 participants, both from UGM and the public.
The Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and Global Initiatives UGM, through the Sub-directorate of Alumni Relations hosted an event entitled “A Sharing Session of Tracer Study Management between UGM and University of Lampung”. The event was attended by representatives and tracer study teams from both universities. It was conducted through Zoom Meeting Room on Thursday, 28 Oct.
Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives UGM, in collaboration with PT AVO Innovation Technology, hosted a career webinar entitled “Becoming a Leader in Beauty Industry”. This event was held on Wednesday (27/10) through the Zoom Meeting Room. Approximately 76 participants from various study programs attended the event.
Once again, the synergy between UGM and KAGAMA was formed at the Debriefing for Prospective Graduates of Postgraduate Program Period of October 2021. The debriefing was held on Thursday (14/10) through the Zoom Meeting Room and broadcasted on YouTube. Approximately 1,000 participants attended the event.
The fourth session of UGM Career Preparation Camp 2021 was held on Friday (1/10) through the Zoom meeting room. Approximately 100 participants attended the event. This event was part of the second CPC 2021, which brought the theme “Next Chapter Begin: Sharpening Your Strategy”.
The second series of UGM Career Preparation Camp 2021 brought the theme “The Next Chapter Begin”. This event was conducted on Friday (24/9) through the Zoom Meeting Room. This session explored deeper on “Essential Kits for Recruitment Process”.