Universitas Gadjah Mada, once again, hosted UGM Virtual Career Fair (VCF) 2022) for the June period. This event was the second career fair this year which will be held for three days.
Still having the Syawalan mood, KAGAMA Gowes Nusantara (KGN) hosted a halal bihalal (gathering) by cycling in several areas such as Yogyakarta, Solo, Aceh, Samarinda, Medan, Pekanbaru, and the Greater Jakarta area at the same time on Saturday, (28/05). It is one of the programs to strengthen alumni ties no matter where they are.
UGM and KAGAMA once again synergize in the Debriefing for Prospective Graduates Period of January 2022 on Tuesday (18/01). Approximately 800 prospective graduates attended the Zoom Meeting Room and YouTube channel.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and KAGAMA hosted “Synergy between UGM and KAGAMA: UGM Greets Alumni in China” on Monday (17/01) through the Zoom Meeting Room. Approximately 75 UGM alumni currently working or living in China warmly welcomed the event.
Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives UGM hosted a “Sharing Session and Dissemination of Internship and Independent Study Program, Kampus Merdeka (Independent learning) 2022 ” on Thursday (06/01) through Zoom Meeting Room and broadcasted on YouTube. Approximately 190 participants attended the event.
UGM, through the Directorate of Partnerships, Alumni, and Global Initiatives, hosted “2020-2021 Alumni Gathering and UGM 2022 Tracer Study Preparation”. This event was held on Tuesday (28/12) via Zoom Meeting Room and was attended by more than 280 participants.
KAGAMA Surakarta hosted a Kethoprak show “Taman Sari Manca Warna” on Tuesday (12/21) at Gedung Kesenian Kethoprak Balekambang, Surakarta, Central Java. This event was held to celebrate the 72nd UGM Dies Natalis and the 63rd KAGAMA anniversary. Also, it was a form of Bhakti Budaya KAGAMA Surakarta for UGM and KAGAMA. The event featured Kethoprak Ngampung Balekambang, Solo and was broadcasted on YouTube channel GibranTV, Pariwisata Solo, and Bhakti Budaya KAGAMA.
In the vibes of celebrating the 72nd dies natalis, UGM and KAGAMA held Playon (running). Joining the event were UGM civitas, Gadjah Playon Community, KAGAMA Runners, and UGM Runners Community on Sunday (19/12), the day of UGM Dies Natalis. Playon is running held online and offline. Under the theme “Guarding a Healthy Indonesia, Strengthening UGM identity,” 200 participants joined the event while implementing health protocols. To avoid crowds, Playon, was then divided into three departure waves.
Universitas Gadjah Mad, in collaboration with KAGAMA, hosted a synergy program called Alumni Night 2021 on Saturday (12/18) at Grha Sabha Pramana Floor 2 and online via the Zoom Meeting Room. This event was part of the 72nd Dies Natalis of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
UGM, in collaboration with Ruangguru, hosted a Campus Talk Tech Edition titled “The Story of Fronted Engineering at Ruangguru” on Thursday (25/11) through the Zoom Meeting Room. This event was attended by more than 76 participants.