Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) Subholding, in collaboration with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), held an online event titled “Pertamina International Shipping Sailing to UGM.” This event aimed to introduce the maritime and energy logistics industry to UGM students and alumni, who are some of the nation’s best talents. Over 150 students and alumni from various batches and study programs at UGM participated in this event.
Yogyakarta, Wednesday (7/2) – PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk paid a visit to the Alumni Office of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to strengthen cooperation in career and education. The team from PT Bank OCBC NISP, represented by Claudia Calista, HR Branding and Employee Engagement Specialist, and Filia, Business Development Lead Exploration, was warmly welcomed by the Coordinator for Interdisciplinary Learning at the Directorate of Education and Teaching, and also the Coordinator of Career Development Program for Graduates.
The KAGAMA DKI Jakarta Alumni Gathering was successfully held at Taman Patra X, Number 7, Kuningan Timur, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (31/1). Over 40 alumni living in Jakarta attended the event. The gathering began with an opening speech by the President Director of Pertamina Patra Jasa, Mr. Putut Ariwibowo.
The UGM Alumni Office and President University held a strategic discussion aimed at optimizing Career Center services on Thursday (1/2). The meeting was attended by representatives from President University, including the Director of Internship & Career Center, Director of Alumni Relations, Head of Internships, Head of Career Development, and other representatives from the Internship & Career Center.
The UGM Alumni Office organized a Workshop on the Development of the 2024 Tracer Study Questionnaire on Tuesday (30/1). The event, held at Room P.5.3, Pertamina Tower, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM was attended by the Tracer Study Task Force team from all faculties and schools at UGM.
The Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a meeting with several UGM alumni living and working in Hong Kong on Sunday (28/1). The meeting aimed to explore potential collaborations between UGM and various institutions in Hong Kong, as well as discuss the possibility of conducting international community service (KKN) in the country.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Alumni Gathering was held at Hotel Inna Sindhu, Bali on Saturday (27/1). The Alumni Gathering was attended by UGM alumni who are members of KAGAMA Bali, an alumni family that actively contributes to building solidarity and providing benefits to UGM and the community. KAGAMA Bali has been recognized for its significant contributions to UGM, including the construction of a temple on campus and the initiation of a village head school program in collaboration with UGM.
An alumni gathering event was held at the Tanjung Laut Ballroom, Bintang Sintuk Hotel, Bontang, on Saturday (27/1). The event aimed to advance UGM’s mission and make a positive contribution to Indonesia. It was attended by the Vice Chairman II of the KAGAMA Bontang branch, Fakhrie Wahyudin, UGM’s Director of Academic Studies and Innovation, Dr. Agr. Sc. Ir. Hatma Suryatmojo, S.Hut., M.Si., IPU, and more than 40 KAGAMA Bontang members.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and the Alumni Association of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) organized a preparatory event for prospective graduates of the Postgraduate, Specialist, and Sub-specialist Programs for January 2024. The event was held on Tuesday (23/1) at the Grha Sabha Pramana, 2nd floor.
On Saturday (20/1) at the Bangka Belitung Governor’s Office, the UGM Alumni (KAGAMA) held an alumni gathering. The event was attended by over 50 KAGAMA members from Bangka Belitung. This alumni gathering acted as an important moment for interaction, sharing experiences, and forging collaborations in various fields.